On the 8th April 2008 a new act comes into force that will regulate the issue relating physical injury caused to the patient due to compulsory vaccination made by the provider of health services. It is Act no. 116/2020 Coll., on compensation of injury caused by compulsory vaccination whose submitter...
Continue reading...Increase of the fee for proceedings to sanction the record to be entered in the Land Register
As of the 1st January 2020 the fee for proceedings to sanction the record to be entered in the Land Register is changed. The management charge rate is increased from the existing 1.000,-- CZK to 2,000,-- CZK. In practice it will mean that the motions to enter the records in the Land register that w...
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Blanket increase of the parental allowance
Good news for families with small children! With effect from January 1 increase of the parental leave is introduced: for families that will get the parental allowance for a child under 4 years of age that the parental leave benefit will be increased from the total amount of 220,000,- to 300,000,- C...
Continue reading...e-Sick Leave
Notice to practitioners! As of the 1st January 2020 a new compulsory system of electronic sick leave comes into force. Only a decision on incapacity to work issued for the patient remains in the paper form. The new system expects that all next procedures and office work will take place exclusively e...
Continue reading...The Hague Convention - extension by other new members
On 1 May 2019 the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction entered into force in south American state Guyana. From 1 October 2019 this Convention takes effect also for Barbados. The number of countries perceiving the international parental abduction of a child as an undesira...
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